This collection of card tricks is really wonderful with very nice routines and simple effects. It is surprising that this book has not seen more attention and is hardly known. Take a look. You will be surprised. One of those hidden gems. It has been described by others as a "minor classic".
This ebook covers both the first and expanded third edition.
Introduction to the Third Edition
Chapter I: Conjurers' Terms And Artifices
False Cuts
False Shuffles
Locators, And Key Cards
Chapter II: Beginners' Tricks
Three Odd Heaps, No. 1
You Do As I Do. No. 2
The Cuckoo Mates. No. 3
Over The 'Phone. No. 4
I Know That One. No. 5
Five In Harmony, No. 6
"Tops" Four-Aces. No. 7
Sympathetic Aces. No. 8
The Ten Heaps. No. 9
One And Two Are …. No. 10
Turn Again, Whittington. No. 11
The Mark Of Age. No. 12
Chapter III: Impromptu Mysteries
Face Your Neighbour. No. 13
The Overhand Speller. No. 14
A Cut In The Dark. No. 15
Ten Steps To Freedom. No. 16
In The Back. No. 17
Neighbourly Reverse. No. 18
Chosen Box Number. No. 19
Hair-Raising. No. 20
Spectator's Four Ace. No. 21
Four-Day Week. No. 22
The Bank Robbery. No. 23
The Wishing Well. No. 24
This Is Your Card. No. 25
Predicament In Prediction. No. 26
Duet For One. No. 27
"Telling" Finger-Tips. No. 28
Takes The Pip. No. 29
On The Side. No. 30
Accommodation Spelling. No. 31
The Torn Card Obliges. No. 32
A Slice Of Luck. No. 33
Chapter IV: Miscellaneous
The Spectator Turns Magician. No. 33/34
The Eleven-Card Speller. No. 34/35
The Writing On The Fan. No. 35/36
Alone Above Reverse. No. 36/37
Putting On A New Face. No. 37/38
Speechless Telepathy. No. 38/39
The Jester Reveals. No. 39/40
Pocket Sympathy. No. 40/41
Elbow Grease. No. 41/42
Adding The Pips. No. 42/43
Tearing A Pack Of Cards In Half. No. 43/44
"Up Your Sleeve, Mister." No. 44/45
It's In The Bag. No. 45/46
From Pack To Envelope. No. 46/47
Three From Six. No. 47/48
Aces Get-Together. No. 48/49
A Stab In The Dark. No. 49/50
Card Through Handkerchief. No. 50/51
In The Army. No. 51/52
Mental Selection. No. 52/53
I Ask No Questions. No. 53/54
Controlled Reverse. No. 54/55
The Face In The Box. No. 55/56
To Get His Back Up. No. 56/57
Pass This Way. No. 57/58
Chapter V: Treated And Prepared Cards
Prediction By Deduction. No. 58/59
The Key To The Draw. No. 59/60
Sticking To Choice. No. 60/61
That's Torn It. No. 61/62
Double And Quit. No. 62/63
Double Foresight. No. 63/64
All Over The House. No. 64/65
Slick On The Draw. No. 65/66
Esteemed Judgment. No. 66/67
One For All. No. 67/68
The Stained-Glass Window. No. 68/69
Reflection On Selection. No. 69/70
The Change-Over. No. 70/71
"Extra Special" Torn Card. No. 71/72
A Slick Count. No. 72/73
Signed Coincidence. No. 74
Chu, Chin, Chow. No. 75
Chapter VI: Pre-Arrangement
Super Thirty-Cards Trick. No. 73/76
Odd Man Out. No. 74/77
Two Good Turns. No. 75/78
Spelling By Question. No. 76/79
Victory Flush. No. 77/80
Heaps Of Coincidence. No. 78/81
Married Bliss At Twenty-One. No. 79/82
The Sequel Of Fifteen. No. 80/83
A Bee In His Bonnet. No. 81/84
Think And Spell. No. 82/85
Quadrangle Speller. No. 83/86
The Spelling Bee. No. 84/87
Simple Nap. No. 85/88
The Pips In The News. No. 86/89
Study In Shade. No. 87/90
Super-Thought Card. No. 88/91
The One I Left Behind. No. 89/92
Four In Line. No. 90/93
It's A Reservation. No. 91/94
"Drawn" From The Spread. No. 92/95
Cut And Choose. No. 93/96
Hard-Boiled Mystery. No. 94/97
Thirteen's A Suit. No. 95/98
The Sandwich. No. 99
The Parting of the Ways (Out of this World). No. 100
One Little Bird Stayed At Home. No. 101
Chapter VII: The Identity Pack
The Identity Pack
The Identity Pack
Tricks With The Identity Pack
Chapter VIII: Contributions By Present-Day Magicians
George Braund, M.I.M.C.
The "Fly-Over" Cards. No. 108/114
Paul Clive, M.I.M.C.
Chu, Chin, Chow. No. 109 [same as 75]
Col Ling Soo
A Cheeky Trick. No. 110/115
Douglas Craggs
"Your Lucky Number." No. 111/116
Lionel King
The Missing Cards. No. 112/117
Jack Kinson
A Matter Of Touch. No. 113/118
Victor Peacock
Magic By Proxy. No. 114/119
Stanley Stephenson, I.B.M.
The Magic Mirror. No. 115/120
Edward Victor, M.I.M.C.
The "Do-Itself" Card Trick. No. 116/121
Peter Warlock, M.I.M.C.
The Count Of Caligula. No. 117/122
That's It
The Last Word
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