This manuscript contains card switches, palming, side steals, palm replacement, and other sleights using the gambler’s palm. More advanced items are also included such as palming during a tabled riffle shuffle and the one hand turn over switch that was used in the movie Shade.
This is the second edition of Daniel MacMillan's book The Gambler's Palm Revisited. The first edition was published in 1977. Daniel subsequently published several items in various publications by Ken Simmons. In 1999, Ken Simmons published the second edition of The Gambler's Palm Revisited. This second edition included the full text of the original. Plus, Ken included the other items that Daniel included in Ken's publications. In 1982, Ken arranged a meeting between Ken, Daniel, and Ed Marlo. As a result, Ed published three items related to the material in Daniel's book. These items were also included in this second edition.
Only a handful of magicians obtained a copy of these editions and only a few were printed. Then, in 2004 the movie SHADE appeared. This movie featured the One-Hand Turn Over Switch which was also demonstrated by Jason England in the Tricks-of-the-Trade additional feature. The incorporation into the movie of this switch of one card for another while apparently turning over a single card generated much interest in Daniel's book. It also generated much frustration due to the limited number of copies available. Here is a sampling of some of the other material included in this edition:
The Flexible Palm
Side Steal to Flexible Palm
Secret Card Add, along with Daniel's handling of Close Call
Shank Bottom Transfer
Right-Hand (One-Hand) Side Steal
Left-Hand Side Steal
The Pick-Up
The Dribble Pick-Up
A Novel Control
Improved Shuffle Palm
A Slew of Cannibal Moves (Moves, Moves, Moves!)
A Set-Up Procedure For A Slew Of Cannibal Moves
Visual Retention Poker Hand Switch
Pressure Fan Cull
Also by Ed Marlo:
Marlo On MacMillan's Switch
Technical Variant Side Steal
Olram's Fan Cull
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