Body Tricks is a collection of 64 magical effects using nothing but the human body.
Learn to remove your own thumb, stretch your fingers, twist your hands and levitate of the ground. This is the ultimate in impromptu magic, tricks that can be performed instantly without the need of any searching for props.
Whether you're a professional magician, hypnotist, psychic or just looking for some interesting stunts to amuse your friends, there is something here for everyone.
Thumb Tricks
Travelling Thumb
Moving Thumb
Stretching Thumb
Restrained Thumb
Tricks with your Fingers
Extra Finger Production
Finger Crack
Finger Stretch
Finger Test
Andrew Mayne's Finger Through Cheek
Finger Through Finger
Finger Through Shirt
Magnetic Fingers
Miscommunication Fingers
Missing Mid-Finger
Ring Finger Bond
Telescopic Pinkie
Three Finger Monte
Vanishing Pinkie
Twisting Finger
Tricks with your Hand
Blue Vein Reading
Fist Fight
Hands Turn Up
Hand Chopper
Hand Snap Backwards
Locked Hands Test
Spectators Hand Twist
Two Left Hands
Tricks with the Arms and Legs
Bloody Murder
Forever Falling
Legs Through Floor
Growing Arm
Shrinking Arm
Not In-Sync
Hercules Arm
Rising Arms
Idol Hands
Tricks with the Nose
Break Your Nose
I've Got Your Nose
Nose Twister
Tricks with your Eyes
Hole In Your Hand
Bite In Your Hand
Floating Sixth Finger
Invisible Finger
Shrinking Finger
Spirit Taps
Swallow An Eyeball
Stuck Eyes
Tricks with your Feet
Tootsy Levitation
Toe Levitation
Stuck Foot
Stand Up
Tricks with your Mind
Grey Elephants In Denmark
Perfect Telephone Trick
Thought Transmitter
Think of a shape
Think of a number
Invisible Coin Trick
Missing £10 Note
Tricks with Other Body Parts
Impromptu Head Twist
Neck Breaker
Thumb Through Ear
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