The Ultimate WOW was created by two world-class inventors Katsuya Masuda and Rashaun Chan to solve the existing issues with the original WOW. This new version addresses the limitations of the classic prop by making it fully examinable, easier to reset, and more durable. The Ultimate WOW redefines the magic experience while preserving the astonishing visual transformation that made the original famous.
You show a playing card inside a transparent sleeve to a spectator. In a split second, the card visibly transforms into a different card right before the spectator's eyes. After the effect, you can hand the sleeve to the spectators—they can examine it fully, and they will find nothing suspicious.
Fully Examinable: With the Ultimate WOW, you confidently hand the device to spectators—no matter how thorough they inspect it, they will find nothing suspicious.
Easy Reset: No more action knots, buttons, or taps. The included sleek reset pouch makes resetting the device quick and easy before each performance.
Enhanced Durability: Constructed with superior materials, The Ultimate WOW is more durable than the original, ensuring it lasts longer and performs reliably over time.
Multiple Options: Choose from three versions—the Blank Card, the 5 of Hearts, and the new Ace of Spades—to customize your magic routines and enjoy greater creative freedom.
Improved Design: The refined design addresses awkward handling issues, allowing for smoother transformations without any unnatural movements.
Developed by Rashaun Chan in partnership with Katsuya Masuda, The Ultimate WOW combines innovative solutions with the original creator's craftsmanship, effectively resolving the shortcomings of its predecessor.
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