Jason Alexander
Did you know that Jason Alexander (George from Seinfeld) wonParlour Magician of the Yearat the Magic Castle? But what s even more amazing is that he deserved it! Listen to Jason as he to talks to John Lovick about how he created this award-winning act.
Kevin Jamestalks to Tim Trono about life on a reality show and how Simon Cowell (American Idol) countributed to getting him ousted.
Andrew Pinard-continuum
Andrew goes to New York City and speaks with Bill Kalush, Executive Director of the Conjuring Arts Research Center
Off the Shelfis proud to introduce Joel Givens' new book "Session" written by Josh Jay. Josh interviews Joel and Joel performs his Karate coin routine. This is arguably the best Ninja Coin Reel Magic has ever seen! And he explains it!
Reel Magic Quarterly is proud to welcome two new columnists
Jon Armstrong-Small Things, Big Difference
Close-Up Magician of the year at the Castle
Simon Lovell-Simon said IT!
The ever-controversial Simon Lovell sounds off on magic and the internet
Garrett ThomaswithTry This At Home
David Regal -Tricks of the Trade
Wayne Kawamoto-Choice Cuts
Bonus Tricks:
Geoff Williams"Ready to Link"
A no-move get-ready for Linking Rubberbands
Joel Givens"Ninja Coin"
Joel s fantastic Karate Coin
"Bar Room Blues"An amazing Color-Changing Deck from Big Blind Media s "new" artistGeorge McBride
Running TimeApproximately 120min
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