Tic Tac Collection by SpaghettiMagic (Instant Download) Memorable magic with a normal Tic Tac box. You have different effect for different astonishing moments.
What is Tic Tac Collection:
Tic Tac Collection is a dvd compilation theme about effects involving a tic tac box.
Extremely visual effects, strong material, memorable and specially easy to do.
The dvd collection include 3 possible effects plus a bonus effect without cards,that you can do impromptu anytime anywhere.
1 – Tic Tac Trap – a card is selected, and can be signed, the tic tac box is launched through the deck and the selected card is caught inside the box folded.
The trick requires a little gimmick that you can reproduce at home in a minute.
2 – Tic Tac Ultra Trap – a card is selected and signed. The Tic Tac box is launched through the deck and the one corner of the signed card is caught inside.
The trick is totally impromptu.
3 – A tic tac box with only one red mint inside is shown.
A card is selected, a regular post-it is given to the spectator.
He signed one side, then he folds in four and he puts inside the box.
He shakes the box with the red mint in his closed fist.
The trick is totally impromptu.
When he open his hand, he find that the red mint wrote the name of the select card on the signed piece of paper.
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